Sie erwerben hierbei 700g des ColorFabb Varioshore TPUs in der Farbe Schwarz.
Die Vorteile gegenüber anderen TPU Filamenten bestehen darin, dass Sie die Dichte und damit den Härtegrad über die Temperatur (190-250°C), Geschwindigkeit und Auflösung selber steuern können!
Detailliertere Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der Herstellerbeschreibung:
varioShore TPU allows users to vary the density of the material by adjusting temperature and material throughput (speed & layerheight). At temperatures between 200 and 250C the materials will start to expand to roughly 1.4-1.6 times its original volume. This means the material can be printed at low flow rates (60-70%), to compensate the active foaming, which in return gives very soft printed parts. Between 190-200C the material can be printed without foaming, resulting in different haptics and harder prints compared to foamed samples.
The base TPU is a 92A material, which will work with most standard extruder set-ups for both Bowden and direct drive systems.
We advise our community to use standard TPU settings as a base setting for developing your own pre-sets. Make sure the distance between nozzle and platform is not to small, especially if the material is being foamed while printing, the pressure will need to be released from the hot-end to prevent clogging and feeder issues.
varioShore TPU - Natural
- Variable shorehardness
- Active foaming technology
- Reduced weight / density
- Soft touch surface
In-house production
All colorFabb 3d printing filaments are produced in our own production facility, situated in the Netherlands. Since no external parties are involved in the making of colorFabb filament we can ensure consistent quality on every order.
Excellent diameter tolerance
An important machine in our production are the laser measurement systems used to check the diameter of our filament real time during production. It’s measured over 1000 times per second and helps us guarantee that each spool of colorFabb 3d printing filament produced within tolerance. We can guarantee 0,05mm +/- on both 2,85mm and 1,75mm colorFabb 3d printing filament, which means you can rest assured that your printer is extruding the exact amount of material.
Within minutes of production a spool of colorFabb 3d printing filament is sealed airtight with a double barrier foil. To go the extra mile, we’ll also seal the fancy cardboard box that we use to ship our product. You can make sure colorFabb 3d printing filament is fresh and ready for 3d printing when you’re done unboxing.
In-house testing
The colorFabb testlab features a wide range of popular 3d printers. We’re continuously testing on our 3d printers to keep checking the quality of the materials we produce and to develop exciting new materials for the maker community.
The following printers are used in our lab:
- Ultimaker Original
- Ultimaker Original Dual Extrusion
- Ultimaker 2
- Makerbot Replicator 2s
- Delta Tower (E3D hot-end)
- Felix 20
- Leapfrog Creator
- Beethefirst
- Mass Portal Pharaoh ED
- Prusa i3 HEPHESTOS
Material science
ColorFabb was founded as a brand of Helian Polymers, a sister company of Peter Holland which have been active in the master batch and additives for the plastics processing industry. Our knowhow, network and partnerships is driving material innovations and quality. You can expect colorFabb to keep on developing interesting new materials, which will be tested on a variety of printers to make sure it’ll get the job done.
- Herstelleradresse :
Philipp Trares
Lyngsbergstr. 80
53177 Bonn
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